Mature buds up to 25 cm diam. Flowers on average c. 80(-94) cm in diameter (few records). Perigone lobes with rather dense numerous white warts, small ones interspersed with larger ones, the latter about 10-12 across the greatest breadth of the lobes. Diaphragm with 5 concentric rings of white warts in about 40 radial rows, each surrounded by a dark red brown margin, lower face of diaphragm with 5 or 6 rings of white blots, those of the ring closest to the opening for a large part confluent, towards the transition into the flower tube not with ramentae formed like white-headed toadstools (stalked disks), but uniformly with the same type of long ramentae as those on the inner side of the flower tube. Perigone tube densely covered with ramenta inside, the ramenta 5-6 mm long near the diaphragm and often fascicled (in bundles), only a few branched. Disk 11-13.5 cm in diam. Processes 38-42(-46), flattened. Annulus interior in a bud of 22 cm diam., 2 mm wide, annulus exterior flat, 5 mm wide and grooved. Male flowers with about 40 anthers and with dense bristles on the lower face of the crest of the disk and around the anther cavities. Female flowers with a swollen ring along the lower rim of the crest of the disk, c. 3 mm high and broad. Plate 2.