Mature buds c. 15-20 cm in diameter. Flowers (16-)25-30(-45?) cm across. Perigone lobes 7-10 cm long and 6.5-14(-19) cm wide, with 10-15 warts at base, many of those wider in the tangential than in the radial direction, some confluent. Perigone tube c. 14 cm wide. Column 3-4 cm high, c. 4-5(-9.5?) cm in diameter at the neck. Disk 8.5-9 cm diameter, with 20-40 flattened processes which are about 1-3.5 cm long and up to 1-1.5 cm in diameter. Diaphragm (7—)12—13(—17) cm diameter, opening c. 4.5-8.5 cm in diameter, slightly angular and with a white rim surrounded by a dark brown margin; upper face of diaphragm with four concentric rings of warts, those in the third ring from the centre sometimes linear, in the second ring more circular and especially in these two rings surrounded by dark brown margins; lower face of diaphragm with 4 or 5 concentric rings of laterally stretched white bands, without ramenta. Ramenta near the diaphragm in fascicled groups, slender, only slightly widened at apex, 2-6 mm long near the insertion of the perigone lobes and 6-7 mm at the base of the tube. Male flowers with 20 anthers. Plate 4.