Mature flower buds just before opening c. 10-13 cm in diameter. Flowers (15-) 17-20(-30) cm in diam., c. 12 cm high. Perigone lobes c. 6.5-8(-9) cm long and 8-9(-11) cm wide, 7-10 cm at insertion. Diaphragm c. 11 cm in diam., 2.5-4 cm broad, lower surface covered with short (1-2 mm long) ramenta. Disk c. 5.5-6 cm above the base of the cupule, (6-)7-9 cm in diameter, ivory white when fresh, flat or slightly raised in the centre, rim sharp, not raised, centre without processes or with only 1-8 ('var. subaculeata'). Sulcus below the disk c. 5 cm in diam. Neck of column 4.5-5.5 cm in diam. Perigone tube 12 cm wide in the middle between annulus interior and diaphragm; annulus interior 6.5-7 cm in diam., rather sharp, 2-4 mm thick; annulus exterior a flat 6-8 mm broad zone without ramenta. Ramenta long stalked subdiscoid knobs, c. 10 mm long near the base of the perigone tube. Male flowers with 15-20 anthers. Female flowers with stigmatic ring distinctly narrowed. Fruits c. 8.5 cm wide and 7 cm high, ovary 6 cm wide and 3 cm high, disk decayed, cupula (5-)7-8 cm diam., 1.5-2 cm high.