Herbs perennial. Roots fibrous, slightly thickened toward base. Stems 5--12 cm, sparsely yellowish pilose, branched from base. Basal leaves several; petiole 2--5 cm, sparsely pilose; blade ternate, reniform in outline, 0.9(--2.5) × 1.2(--2.5) cm, thinly papery, sparsely pilose, central segment obovate, 3-lobed to 3-fid, lobes lanceolate, apex subacute; lateral lobes similar to middle lobe, obliquely 3-fid. Stem leaves 2 or 3, lowest one similar to basal leaves, upper stem leaves short petiolate or sessile, 3-sect, segments lanceolate. Flowers solitary or 2 in a monochasium, terminal, Flowers ca. 0.7 cm in diam. Pedicel 1--2.5(--4) cm, sparsely pilose. Receptacle glabrous. Sepals 5, with purple margins, elliptic-ovate, 3(--4) mm, abaxially pale puberulent. Petals 5 or 6, elliptic-oblong (to obovate), 3--3.5 × 1.5--2 mm, nectary pit without a scale, apex rounded. Stamens numerous; anthers ellipsoid. Aggregate fruit ± ovoid, carpels numerous, ovary longer than style. Mature achene not seen, glabrous; style ± straight. Fl. Jun.