As the sp. is at present understood, the following description applies: slender glab. herb up to 30 cm. or more tall; stock rather stout, roots ∞ . Lvs all radical, on slender petioles up to 16 cm. long; lamina 2.5-7·5 cm. diam., 3-5-foliate to biternate, Iflts long-petiolulate, (a) toothed to 3-lobed or (b) 3-5-partite, segs narrow-cuneate, deeply toothed, or (c) pinnately divided. Scapes 1-5, simple or divided, nude or with 1 incised cauline If, up to 30 cm. long. Fls ± 2 cm. diam.; sepals 5, broadly ovate, sts acute; petals 5-(10), broadly ovate, bright to pale yellow; gland 1, basal. Fruiting head globose; achenes turgid, glab.; style short, slender or stout, straight or curved.