Ranunculus hispidus Michx.

Bristly buttercup (en)


Angiosperms > Ranunculales > Ranunculaceae > Ranunculus


Fibrous-rooted perennial 1.5–9 dm, sometimes with some somewhat thickened but elongate (over 5 cm) roots; rhizome short, regenerated in part each year, only the oldest portion withering; basal lvs the largest, the blade at least as wide as long, mostly 3-lobed or trifoliolate, the acute or acuminate lobes or segments (especially the terminal one) variously incised, lobed, or merely toothed; pet 5–8(–10), widest above the middle, 8–14 × 3–10 mm, equaling or to twice as long as the sep; receptacle ± clavate or ellipsoid above the broad staminal zone; body of the achenes subrotund or obovate, 2–3.5 mm, the nerves bordering the marginal keel tending to be raised so that the margin is ± tricarinate, the keel sometimes winged; beak straight or nearly so, 1.8–3 mm; 2n=32, 64. N.S. and s. Que. to se. Sask., s. to Fla. and e. Tex. Apr., May. Three vars., with broadly overlapping ranges.
Stems erect or decumbent, sometimes rooting nodally, hispid or strigose, base not bulbous. Roots never tuberous. Basal leaf blades ovate to deltate in outline, 3-foliolate or outer blades merely 3-parted, 2-13.4 × 2.4-16.8 cm, leaflets undivided to lobed or parted, ultimate segments narrowly elliptic or oblanceolate to circular, margins toothed, apex acuminate to rounded. Flowers: receptacle hispid; sepals spreading or reflexed, 4-10 × 2-5 mm, hispid; petals 5, yellow, 8-16 × 3-9 mm. Heads of achenes hemispheric to short-ovoid, 6-10 × 7-10 mm; achenes 2.2-5.2 × 2-3.8 mm, glabrous, margin forming narrow rib or broad wing 0.1-1.2 mm wide; beak persistent, lance-subulate, straight or somewhat curved, 0.8-2.6 mm.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.8
Root system fibrous-root rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) 0.1
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


Light 3-6
Soil humidity 4-6
Soil texture 3-4
Soil acidity 2-8
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-9


Uses medicinal
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by cuttings or seedlings.
Mode cuttings seedlings
Germination duration (days) 30 - 90
Germination temperacture (C°) 10
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Ranunculus hispidus leaf picture by Erin Froehlich (cc-by-sa)
Ranunculus hispidus leaf picture by Josh Murray (cc-by-sa)
Ranunculus hispidus leaf picture by kathleen kathleen (cc-by-sa)


Ranunculus hispidus flower picture by Erin Froehlich (cc-by-sa)
Ranunculus hispidus flower picture by Jason Weyland (cc-by-sa)
Ranunculus hispidus flower picture by Yanina Yanina (cc-by-sa)


Ranunculus hispidus world distribution map, present in Canada and United States of America

Conservation status

Ranunculus hispidus threat status: Least Concern


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:712908-1
WFO ID wfo-0001129300
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Ranunculus octopetalus Ranunculus marilandicus Ranunculus hispidus var. hispidus Ranunculus hispidus var. eurylobus Ranunculus hispidus var. marilandicus Ranunculus hispidus var. falsus Ranunculus hispidus var. greenmanii Ranunculus repens var. hispidus Ranunculus repens var. marilandicus Ranunculus septentrionalis var. marilandicus Ranunculus hispidus

Lower taxons

Ranunculus hispidus var. caricetorum