Petals similar to the sepals but rather larger, with petaloid scales larger than the petals, opposite each petal, and with a fleshy gland at their base.
Stamens numerous, the inner row arising from the receptacle, the outer attached at the base to the petaloid scales.
Ovary on a convex receptacle, 1-locular with 4–5 parietal multiovulate placentas; style very short; stigmas 4–5.
Leaves petiolate; lamina often rather leathery, usually oblong or elliptic-oblong, margins spinulose-serrate.
Fruit berry-like when first ripe but tardily longitudinally dehiscent when dry into 4–5 sections.
Flowers in axillary spike-like or lax racemes, bisexual or male.
Sepals 4–5, free, imbricate, concave, unequal.
Evergreen shrubs or small trees.
Seeds few, subglobose.