Leafy stems about 2 m. tall; leaves oblanceolate, abruptly acute or shortly acuminate at the tip, narrowly cuneate at the base, 25-40 cm. long, 8-12 cm. broad, distinctly petiolate; inflorescences scapose and arising directly from the rhizome, 20-30 cm. long, the lower 2%3 sterile and bearing several leaf-less sheaths 2-7 cm. long, the flowering portion very dense, paniculate, the branches bearing several flowers, densely puberulent; bracts oblong to ob-long-obovate, 1.5' 2.0 cm. long, deciduous, mem-branaceous; perianth 0.5-0.7 cm. long; calyx turbinate, 0.5-0.6 cm. long; ovary narrowly ovoid, 0.3-0.4 cm. long; capsules ellipsoid, about 1 cm. long.