Plants stoloniferous, mat-forming, 0.4-0.6 m tall. Fertile culms sparingly branched, finely rugulose, olivaceous, 0.4-0.6 m long, diameter at apex 0.3-0.5 mm. Sheaths closely convoluted, 6-11 mm long, olivaceous, rounded, with a narrow membranous margin; mucro penicillate, straight and erect, 2-4 mm long. Male inflorescence with 1(-2) spikelet(s), spathes persistent, like the floral bracts, cartilaginous; male spikelets sessile, elliptical or obovate, truncate, 10-15 x 3-6 mm, with 3-4 flowers; bracts more than twice as tall as flowers, 6-12 mm long, oblong, acute or acuminate, cartilaginous, concolorous, golden-brown, bract upper margin like body of bract, bract awn minute or absent. Male flower 3-4 mm long, glabrous; outer tepals cartilaginous, conduplicate; inner tepals membranous, oblong, shorter than outer whorl; anthers 1.3-2 mm long, exserted from the flowers; pistillode present. Female inflorescence with 1 spikelet; spathes like floral bracts, persistent, coriaceous; spikelet oblong or obovate, truncate or rounded, 12-20 mm long, 3-6 flowers and 0 sterile bracts; bracts at least twice as long as flowers, 8-13 mm long, oblong, acute or acuminate, cartilaginous, apical margin like rest of bract, awn minute or absent. Female flower 3-4 mm long, without a fleshy pedicel; tepals cartilaginous; outer tepals 3-4 mm long, laterals conduplicate; inner tepals oblong, 2.5-3.5 mm long; staminodes present; styles 3, feathery, white, bases free; ovary bilocular, dehiscent. Seed unknown.