Compact intricately branched shrub c. 0.5 m high, closely mealy with minute vesicular hairs. Branchlets spinescent. Leaves alternate, narrowly elliptic, fleshy, 2–5 mm long, glabrescent above, mealy below. Inflorescence spicate with a spinescent axis c. 10 mm long; flowers few. Male flowers broadly turbinate, c. 1 mm long; perianth mealy; filaments woolly near base, united into a thick cup-shaped disc; pistillode minute. Terminal female flower, sterile, densely filled with woolly hairs arising from staminodes. Lateral female flowers fertile, spherical c. 1.2 mm diam.; staminodes absent; stigmas slender. Berry clasped around margin by perianth. Seed c. 1.5 mm diam., radially verruculose.