Open, often scrambling shrub to 1.5 m high. Leaves opposite or alternate, narrowly elliptic to elliptic, somewhat fleshy, shortly petiolate; lamina usually 7–10 mm long and 2–3 mm wide, acute, glabrescent above, densely mealy below with grey saucer-shaped vesicular hairs. Inflorescence spicate or paniculate, to 2.5 cm long. Perianth densely mealy. Male flowers: staminal filaments united into a fleshy disc which is woolly within. Female: terminal flowers with minute staminodes and disc, slightly woolly; lateral flowers glabrous within, lacking staminodes and disc. Fruiting perianth eventually spreading, pale fawn or red within. Seed c. 1.8 mm diam., faintly radially rugulose.