Leafless, subterranean, terrestrial orchids (mycoheterotrophic) that completely lack chlorophyll and live entirely underground. Spreading by thick, fleshy, rootless rhizomes that can branch and at intervals, growing upwards to produce a terminal head-like inflorescence (flowerhead) called a capitulum. Each flowerhead is surrounded by large, fleshy bracts. The flowers are arranged within the capitulum in spiral rows and face inwards towards the centre of the head, the outermost flowers in each row opening first. Flowers nearly tubular with sepals and petals overlapping and held close together. Dorsal sepal fused basally to lateral sepals. Lateral sepals fused basally to each other and dorsal sepal. Petals smaller than sepals, fused basally to column. Labellum hinged by a narrow, basal claw to apex of column foot, capable of passive movement. Labellum lamina unlobed, thick, fleshy, papillate, at maturity partially protruding through a gap between the lateral sepals. Fruit a succulent, ovoid drupe, colourful and fleshy at maturity, containing relatively large, hard, sclerotic seeds. Column very short, with vestigial basal foot. Pollinia 2, clavate, granular, yellow, attached directly to viscidium.