Flowers unisexual or bisexual, buds pyriform, from a basal cupule attached to or arising from the roots or basal stem and aerial roots of the host, surrounded by three or four whorls of 5 scales, these sessile, imbricate, concave, more or less ovate, entire, brownish. Perigone lobes 16, valvate, with worm-like apices attached inside a cavity (crater) of the central column. Anthers in a ring around the lower margin of the column disk, about 38-50, each with 2 superimposed loculi. Male flowers with a rudimentary ovary, mature perigone tubes campanulate, radially striped in the center. Fruits hidden under dried-out flowers. Seeds with the same structure as those of Rafflesia [see Bouman & Meijer PI. Syst. Evol. 193 1994 187-212 ]. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12.