Plants (2-)3-6(-9) cm. Stems dark red to reddish brown when old; micronemata present. Leaves yellow-green or dark green, somewhat contorted when dry, broadly obovate, elliptic, or occasionally orbicular, 3-6(-7) mm; margins green or reddish, 1-stratose; apex rounded or occasionally obtuse, truncate, or retuse, rarely short-apiculate; costa 7/8 leaf to subpercurrent or rarely percurrent, sometimes 2-fid distally; medial laminal cells elongate, (45-)60-90 (-100) µm, weakly collenchymatous, walls weakly pitted; marginal cells linear, ± rectangular, or rhomboidal, in 1-2(-3) rows. Sexual condition synoicous. Seta (1.3-)2-5 cm. Capsule ovate or subglobose, 1.5-2.5 mm; operculum conic-rostrate; exostome dark brown, lamellae less than 20. Spores (28-)40-50 µm.