Plant autoecious, prostrate, slender, shining green, rooting only occasionally, growing in flat mats, usually near moisture; stems 1-2 inches long, laxly complanate, with spreading leaves 2 mm. long; leaves variable, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate from wide base; main-stem leaves with long subulate point, branch leaves with acute, somewhat oblique apex, somewhat concave below, flat above, with denticulate-serrulate or sometimes almost dentate expanded margin, and weak narrow nerve extending to beyond mid-leaf; cells linear, 100 x 7 µm, gradually changed at the base to irregularly rectangular, 40 x 17 µm or less, of which there are comparatively few. When dry the leaves are sometimes unchanged, sometimes much crisped (possibly an effect of grass-fire). Perichaetal leaves forming a thickened bulblike seta-base, the outer ovate-lanceolate, entire, nerveless, the inner longer, closely sheathing, quickly acuminate, denticulate, nerveless. Seta 1 cm long, red, smooth; capsule horizontal, ovate-oblong or oblong, brown, with short, obliquely beaked lid; peristome teeth reddish below, pale above; inner yellowish, perforated, with two nodose cilia between.