Evergreen terrestrial orchids with long, tuberous roots (no tubers). Leaves few to several in a clump, basal, erect to arching, petiolate. Racemes few-flowered, erect to arching; peduncle stiff, 1–2 large, sessile leaf-like bracts. Flowers resupinate, green. Tepals free, narrow, leathery, papillate. Dorsal sepal broader than lateral sepals and petals, hooding column. Lateral sepals decurved in front of flower. Petals held close to lateral sepals. Labellum hinged by short claw to column base. Labellum lamina obscurely 3-lobed, shallowly curved; lateral lobes narrow, incurved, column-embracing; midlobe short, entire. Callus a basal plate with parallel ridges. Column slender, incurved, narrowly winged. Pollinia 4, clavate, mealy, yellow, no viscidium.