Shrubs or trees. Leaves coriaceous to membranous, often acuminate; stipules interpetiolar, free, mostly entire. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, usually pa-niculate, rarely thrysoid, rarely racemose or spiciform, pedunculate. Flowers with the hypanthium rotund or oblong, the calycine cup with 4-6(-7) lobes, the lobes occasionally foliaceous; corolla tube narrowly cylindrical, hairs present or absent within, occasionally the mouth with a ringlike thickening, the lobes 4-6, imbricate; stamens 4-6, the anthers oblong, dorsifixed, the filaments often un-equal; ovarian disc annular, the style slender, the stigmas 2(-3), the ovary 2(-3) celled, the septum complete or incomplete, the ovules numerous. Fruits capsular, globose or rotund, the valves 2, splitting loculicidally or septicidally, each valve often split; seeds numerous, exalate or winged at one or both poles.