Also occasionally escapes. It differs from R. gallica in its stouter, taller habit, coarser prickles, thinner, longer lfls, and nodding fls.
Life form | perennial |
Growth form | shrub |
Growth support | - |
Foliage retention | deciduous |
Sexuality | hermaphrodite |
Pollination | - |
Spread | - |
Mature width (meter) | - |
Mature height (meter) | 1.5 |
Root system | rhizome |
Rooting depth (meter) | - |
Root diameter (meter) | - |
Flower color | - |
Blooming months | - |
Fruit color | - |
Fruiting months | - |
Nitrogen fixer | - |
Photosynthetic pathway | c3 |
Light |
Soil humidity | |
Soil texture | |
Soil acidity | |
Soil nutriment | - |
Hardiness (USDA) |
Uses | essential oil medicinal tea |
Edible | flowers fruits seeds |
Therapeutic use | Anti-inflammatory agents (flower), Antipyretics (flower), Asthma (flower), Bronchitis (flower), Cardiotonic agents (flower), Colic (flower), Cough (flower), Dementia (flower), Dyspepsia (flower), Emollients (flower), Expectorants (flower), Fatigue (flower), Fever (flower), Flatulence (flower), Halitosis (flower), Heart diseases (flower), Hemostatics (flower), Hyperhidrosis (flower), Skin diseases (flower), Ulcer (flower), Wounds and injuries (flower), Hemorrhage (root), Rickets (root), Ulcer (root), Wound healing (root), Astringents (seed), Diarrhea (seed), Aperient (unspecified), Astringent (unspecified), Cancer(Mouth) (unspecified), Nervine (unspecified), Perfume (unspecified), Vulnerary (unspecified), Fever (unspecified), Asthma (unspecified), Astringents (unspecified), Diarrhea (unspecified), Emollients (unspecified), Eye diseases (unspecified), Graves ophthalmopathy (unspecified), Halitosis (unspecified), Hyperhidrosis (unspecified), Skin diseases (unspecified) |
Human toxicity | - |
Animal toxicity | - |
Mode | - |
Germination duration (days) | 30 - 365 |
Germination temperacture (C°) | 12 |
Germination luminosity | - |
Germination treatment | - |
Minimum temperature (C°) | - |
Optimum temperature (C°) | - |
Size | - |
Vigor | - |
Productivity | - |
LSID | |
WFO ID | wfo-0001014371 |
COL ID | - |
BDTFX ID | 56686 |
INPN ID | 118084 |
Wikipedia (EN) | Link |
Wikipedia (FR) | Link |