Liana. Twigs subglabrous. Leaves 3-4-jugate; lateral petiolules 4-5 (-7) mm long. Leaflets elliptic to oblong, 12-27 by 4.5-11 cm, thin chartaceous, shining above, rather dull beneath, minutely hairy on midrib and nerves beneath; base equilateral, in lateral leaflets rounded (to subcordate), in the terminal leaflet broadly cuneate; apex tapering acuminate, acumen short, broad, and blunt; nerves 10-12 (-15) per side, pinnate, ascending, slightly curved, only the uppermost ones joined, intermediate veins often nearly as strongly developed as the nerves, veins and veinlets scalariform, beneath much better visible than above. Inflorescences axillary, solitary or 2 collateral ones together, up to 7 cm long, sparsely branched, rather densely minutely hairy. Calyx 2.5-2¾ mm high, outside densely appressed hairy, margin densely ciliolate, inside glabrous. Corolla (not yet fully developed) 3¾ mm long. Ovary and lower half of the style sparsely woolly. Fruit unknown.