Shrubs, sometimes climbing (not in Australia), or trees. Leaves opposite (not in Australia) or alternate, simple, dentate, petiolate, without stipules. Inflorescence a corymbose panicle or flowers solitary (not in Australia), terminal or axillary, pubescent. Flowers actinomorphic, bisexual or gynodioecious (not in Australia). Sepals 4–7, free or fused, and tubular, sometimes tube very short. Petals 4–7, connate (not in Australia) or free, valvate in bud, white, yellow or greenish, thick, hairy abaxially at least when young. Stamens 4–7; filaments free, alternating with petals, inserted on a nectary disc (not in Australia) or the base of the petals; anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits, introrse or extrorse (not in Australia), dorsifixed or basifixed, tetrasporangiate. Nectary disc present or absent. Gynoecium 4–7-carpelled. Ovary superior or inferior (not in Australia), syncarpous; style single (not in Australia), 5-branched or stigma sessile; stigma capitate or lobed. Ovules many per locule; placentation axile. Fruit a berry or loculicidal capsule. Seeds few (not in Australia) to numerous per carpel, globose or ovoid; embryo minute.