Perennial herb forming densely branched, silvery, mat-like growths to 1 m diam., dioecious. Branchlets closely woolly, obscured by the leaves. Leaves alternate, imbricate, narrowly triangular, naviculate and slightly cucullate at the acute apex, fleshy, c. 2 mm long, 1 mm wide, silky when young. Flowers towards apex of branches. Male flowers cup-shaped; tepals thin, ovate, c. 1 mm long, silky outside; anthers exserted; pistillode slender, c. 1 mm long, pubescent. Female flowers suborbicular c. 1 mm long; staminodes absent; stigmas long-exserted c. 4 mm long. Fruit broadly ovoid c. 2 mm high surrounded at base by persistent perianth; pericarp crustaceous.