A stout, erect herb, 1 m. or more tall, with flowering branches arising from the axils of the lower leaves.. Stem greenish brown to brown, glabrous.. Lower leaves large, on petioles up to about 20 cm. long, ovate-oblong, up to 36 × 12 cm., apically acute or acuminate, basally rounded, truncate or subcordate, glabrous except for scattered papillae on the nerves of the subsurface; cauline leaves on shorter petioles, ovate-lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, progressively smaller, the uppermost ± linear and nearly sessile.. Inflorescence a stout, usually rather dense, branched panicle, often leafy below and sometimes throughout.. Inner tepals ovate-lanceolate, ± obtuse, 4–5 (–7 fide Chiov.) mm. long, without tubercles, the margin entire, unarmed.. Nut 2 × 1 mm., acutely trigonous, dark brown, shining.
Grassland, moor, streamsides, bamboo-forest, in moist situations; at elevations from 1,950-3,700 metres.