Corolla produced at the apex into 5 tails in bud; white or greenish-cream, pubescent or glabrescent; tube 3.5–4 mm long, pubescent or glabrescent outside, with a ring of long deflexed hairs inside at the middle; lobes 4–4.5 × 1.7–2 mm, oblong, spreading, with linear-lanceolate greenish appendages 5–7 mm long.
Fruit yellow or yellowish, or whitish-green, globose and 14 mm in diameter in live state but usually bilobed, 9–12 mm long and wide when dry, glabrous or sparsely pilose; pyrenes c. 8 mm long.
A shrub 1.5–4.5 m tall, or small tree; older parts with a smooth grey bark; branches elongate with graceful horizontal branchlets, at first pubescent.
Calyx tube pubescent, 1.2 mm long; limb 0.5 mm long with minute filiform lobes 0.5 mm long.
Ovary 2-locular; style exserted; pollen presenter 1.5 mm long and wide, distinctly bilobed.
Flowers solitary; pedicels 5–6 mm long, pubescent.