Shrub or small tree 2–6(–15) m. tall; older stems dark reddish purple with fine longitudinal fissures and ± peeling epidermis but not becoming powdery, lenticellate, glabrous; young shoots olive, closely longitudinally ribbed in the dry state, the internodes often short; slash red or chocolate-coloured.. Leaf-blades narrowly elliptic to oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, (2–)5–13 cm. long, 1–3.5 cm. wide, with a long slender acumen, cuneate at the base, somewhat discolorous, glabrous save for the distinct hairy acarodomatia; petiole 4–10 mm. long; stipules with sheath part 1.5–3 mm. long, pilose inside, usually with rather divergent subulate appendage 1–2 mm. long but sometimes ± absent.. Cymes (2–)4–7(–12)-flowered; peduncle 1–2(–5) mm. long; pedicels 2.5–3 mm. long, attaining 1.2–2.7 cm. in fruit; bracts 1.5 mm. long, forming a small involucre.. Buds obtuse or very slightly acuminate.. Calyx-tube campanulate, 1–1.5 mm. long; limb 0.5–0.7 mm. long, ± truncate orwith short lobes ± 0.3 mm. long.. Corolla green, greenish white or cream; tube 2–3.5 mm. long, with a ring of short deflexed hairs inside; lobes oblong, 2–3.3 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, not or only with minute appendage.. Ovary 2(rarely 3)-locular; stigmatic club bilobed.. Fruit didymous, 1.1–1.2 cm. long, 1–1.2 cm. wide, compressed, with 2 pyrenes.