Subshrubs, branches hirtellous, to 2 m. Leaves ovate to obovate, acute-acuminate, serrate or weakly serrulate, the bases obtuse, sometimes attenuate or rarely rounded, to 12 cm long and 8 cm wide, sparsely pubescent above and + glabrous beneath; petioles ca 2-9 cm long. Inflorescences verticils, 3-6 flowered, 1-2 cm distant, the bracts awl-shaped and keeled at the base, ca 4-6 cm long, deciduous. Flowers with pedicels 2-6 mm long; calyx tubular, conspicuously 2-lipped, the lower 2-lobed, the lobes lanceolate, the upper lip entire and 3-veined, the tube ca 4-5 mm long, the lobes ca 3-4 mm long, membranaceous, ca 10-ribbed; corolla tubular, white and tinged with pink or blue, the tube ca 8-10 mm long, naked within, the lips ca equal, ca 3-4 mm long, pubescent near the tips; stamens mounted on the corolla throat, the anthers elongate, ca 1.5-2 mm long; style long and slender, ca 10-12 mm long, bifid, the branches unequal. Nutlets (2-)3-4, ovoid, pale brown, ca 1.5 mm long.