Plants perennial. Stems erect, 43-80 cm, finely strigose or villous. Petiole (1-)3-25 cm; leaf blade cordate to ovate-truncate, 4-18 × 3.5-13.5 cm, abaxially pilose to pubescent or densely pilose along veins, base cordate to truncate, margin incised-crenate, apex acuminate. Inflorescences densely villous, glandular pilose; verticillasters 2-6-flowered, widely spaced, in terminal raceme-panicles; bracts ovate, 4-9 mm. Pedicel 2-5 mm. Calyx campanulate, ca. 1.3 cm, shallowly 2-cleft to strongly 2-lipped, villous, glandular pilose, sparsely black-brown glandular, margin ciliolate; upper lip broadly ovate, ca. 3 × 10 mm, apex acute; lower lip as long as upper, ca. 9 mm wide, apex with 2 triangular acute teeth. Corolla yellow, ca. 2.7 cm, subglabrous except upper lip villous; tube pilose annulate inside, gradually curved, dilated beyond hairy annulus, to 8 mm at throat; upper lip ovate, ca. 7 × 5 mm, slightly arcuate; lower lip 1-1.2 × 1.2 cm, obliquely spreading; middle lobe obcordate, ca. 4 × 8 mm, slightly constricted at base; lateral lobes triangular-ovate, ca. 3 mm wide. Stamens slightly exserted or nearly included; filaments ca. 6.5 mm; connectives ca. 1 cm, upper arms ca. 6 mm, lower arms ca. 4 mm. Style slightly exserted. Nutlets brown, narrowly obovoid. Fl. Jul-Sep.
A herb. It keeps growing from year to year. It grows 45-80 cm tall. The leaves are heart shaped or oval and 4-18 cm long by 4-14 cm wide. There are hairs underneath. The spikes have flowers in groups of 2-6. They are yellow.