Shrub 1-2 m tall, branched from the base; stems terete, ascending, densely covered with a short whitish crisped tomentum. Leaves petiolate; blade simple, elliptic to obovate, 25-50(-65) x 12-20(-30) mm, densely greyish appressed tomentose on both surfaces, reticulate beneath and gland-dotted, apex obtuse, base obtuse to cuneate, margin entire. Inflorescence compact, of several 2-flowered verticils. Calyx broadly campanulate, often purple-tinged, glandular hirsute, enlarging to 25 mm long in fruit. Corolla light pink or lilac with cream or yellow markings on the lower lip, 20-28 mm long; tube c. 10 mm long; upper lip falcate, 10-14 mm long; lower lip 12-18 mm long.