Plants perennial. Stems 1-5, ascending to erect, pilose or glabrescent. Stem leaves few; petiole of basal leaves 2-3 × as long as blade, petioles of upper leaves obsolete; leaf blade ovate to oblong-ovate, rarely subcircular or elliptic, 3-9 × 2-8 cm, adaxially appressed villous, abaxially glandular, spreading pilose on veins or densely villous when young, base cordate to shallowly hastate, apex obtuse to rounded. Inflorescences densely villous, glandular hairy; verticillasters 2-flowered, in terminal racemes or panicles 6-10 cm, crowded apically; upper bracts ovate to broadly ovate, villous, glandular. Pedicel ca. 4 mm. Calyx campanulate, 1-1.5 cm, glandular, glandular villous on veins, 2-lipped to more 1/2 its length; upper lip triangular-ovate, apex 3-mucronate; lower teeth narrowly triangular, apex acuminate. Corolla yellow, 3.5-4 cm, glandular pilose; tube imperfectly pilose annulate on basal 5-6 mm inside, ca. 3 × as long as calyx, tubular toward base, adaxially abruptly dilated on exserted part, straight or curved upward, to 1.1 cm at throat; upper lip straight or slightly reflexed, ca. 6 × 6 mm; lower lip slightly longer than upper, middle lobe obcordate, ca. 8 mm wide. Filaments ca. 5 mm; connectives ca. 6 mm, arcuate, arms equal. Nutlets unknown.