Perennial 4–8 dm; lvs broadly ovate-oblong to deltoid, 5–10 cm, coarsely and irregularly serrate, truncate or more often subcordate at base, sparsely hirsutulous, long-petioled; infls usually several, 1–2 dm, interrupted, with 12–30 fls per node; cal almost tubular, 6 mm at anthesis, the upper lip shortly 3-lobed, a fourth to a third as long as the tube and about equaling the lower lip; cor blue (white), 10–15 mm, its upper lip narrowed to the base; 2n=16. Native of s. and e. Europe and w. Asia, intr. in fields and waste places here and there in our range. July–Sept.
Stony taluses, pine woods, dry heights, stony and clayey soil, often a weed.
Can be grown by cuttings, divisions or seedlings. Seeds needs stratification.