Consistent yielding elderberry adapted to the mid-western US. Origin: University of Missouri/Missouri State University, by P.L. Byers and A.L. Thomas. Selected from wild bushes of Sambucus canadensis in 1999; tested as Gordon B; introd. 2011. Tree: Fruit: medium to large, 86 mg; skin dark; high quality; TSS 11.6 °Brix; TA (malic) 0.65 g/100 mL; pH 4.7. Cyme: ripens uniformly; resistant to shattering; decumbent position when ripe; 87 g; abundant florets that are easily removed for use. Plant: medium size, 1.5-2.2 m; spreading to upright growth habit; budbreak, bloom time and harvest time similar to Adams 2; higher yields than Adams 2 under Midwestern conditions; consistent production.