Small tree to 10 m and bole to 15 cm diam. Bark smooth, grey-green. Leafy twigs c. 3–4 mm diam. Indumentum fulvous, restricted to innovations. Leaves 20–25 cm long; petiole 5–9 cm, wrinkled in sicco, base swollen and flattened adaxially. Leaflets ovate, bases cuneate, ± asymmetric on lateral leaflets, apices long acuminate, acumen to 24 mm, costae 8–10 on each side, arcuate, looped well clear of margin; apical leaflet 14– 15.5 by 6–7 cm, laterals 10–13 by 4–6 cm; petiolules wrinkled in sicco, 6–9 mm on lateral leaflets, 4–5 cm on apical. Thyrses 4–7 cm long, sparsely branched; borne in axils of undeveloped leaves, primary branches to 2 cm long, squarrose, bearing fasci-cles of 2 or 3 flowers; axes minutely puberulous; bracts subtending primary branches 5–7 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, puberulous, caducous; bracteoles at base of pedicels smaller, often with 1 or 2 more, smaller ones half way to articulation with pseudopedi-cel; pedicels c. 5–6 mm; pseudopedicels c. 1–2 mm continuous with calyx. Calyx c. 2.5 mm long, shallowly campanulate, ± puberulous, pale green, splitting into 5 irregular obtuse lobes c. 0.75 mm deep, margin ciliate. Petals 5, c. 4.5 mm long (immature), c. 2 mm wide, elliptic, apex rounded, creamy white. Staminal tube glabrous without, villous within, margin with 10 irregular lobes, creamy white; anthers 10, ± in two ranks, alter-nating with lobes, c. 0.75 mm long, oblong, weakly exserted. Disk c. 1.5 mm long, glabrous, membraneous, clasping ovary, margin laciniate. Ovary and style glabrous; stigmatic lobes c. 1 mm long. Drupe solitary, at least 5 cm long, 3.5 cm diam., stipitate, rostrate, stipe to 1 cm, beak to 6 mm, densely yellow-brown, velutinous, ± ribbed lon-gitudinally, calyx marcescent, pyrenes 3 or 4. Seeds c. 16 mm long, 9 mm wide (imma-ture); cotyledons reddish in sicco.