Tree to 24 m tall and 34 cm in diam. Leaves (l-)2-4(-7)-jugate, subsessile to short-ly petioled; petiole and rachis (0.5-)7-25(-35) cm long. Leaflets chartaceous or subcoriaceous, elliptic-oblong or-lanceolate, or lanceolate, (5-)15-20(-30) by (1.5 — )3.5 — 6 (-11) cm, the lowest pair usually smaller; glabrous; apex acuminate; base cuneate, ob-tuse, or rounded, symmetric, rarely the lowest pair obscurely subcordate; midrib slightly elevated above, prominent beneath; nerves 5-11 per side; petiolules (0-)4-10 mm. Inflorescences up to 10(-22) cm wide, slightly pubescent or subglabrous, main branches up to c. 14 cm long, 1.5-5 mm diam.; bracts elliptic or ovate-oblong, 3-8 by 1.5-4.5 mm, caducous or persistent, puberulous and/or minutely ciliate on the margin; bracteoles caducous or persistent during anthesis, erecto-patent to spreading, broadly elliptic or ovate, 3-8 by 1.5-5 mm, glabrous or minutely ciliate on the margin; pedicels (4-) 12-20(-35) mm, the length between bracteoles and flower 7-10(-14) mm. Flowers orange yellow, to deep orange or purple, or red, articulated near the base, glabrous. Hypanthium 9 — 12( — 16) mm long, 0.5-1.5 mm wide at the throat. Calyx lobes ovate, elliptic, or obovate, 5-12 by 2-8 mm. Stamens (5 or) 6-8(-10); filaments 10-35 mm, often puberulous at the basal parts; anthers ellipsoid or oblong, c. 1 mm long; staminodes absent. Pistil stipitate, free part of stipe 1.5-4.5 mm, hairy; ovary 4-8 mm long, puberulous, 6-8-ovuled; style 15-35 mm, glabrous; stigma minute, round. Pods dark red, oblong, or narrowly oblong-lanceolate, 6-25 by 2-6 cm, 0.5-1.2 cm thick, leathery or woody, 4-6(-8)-seeded, with straight or curved, up to c. 1 cm long beaked apex, and cuneate or obliquely rounded base, valves coiling. Seeds ovoid-oblong, sometimes reniform, 4-5 by 2-2.5 cm, and 0.6-1.2 cm thick.
An evergreen tree. It grows to 20 m tall. The bark can be dark brown or almost black. The leaves are divided into 3-6 pairs of leaflets. Each leaflet is oblong and 10-20 cm long by 2-3 cm wide. When young they hang down and are copper coloured. The flowers are orange and do not have petals. They often arise from branches from the wood. The fruit are on stalks 6-25 cm long. They are flat pods which are 10-20 cm long by 3-5 cm wide. They are leathery with 3-5 compressed seeds.
A small evergreen tree.. Leaflets 3–6 pairs, oblong-lanceolate acuminate.. Short corymbose panicles of orange to deep pink or scarlet flowers with a narrow elongate hypanthium, four conspicuous sepals and exserted stamens.