Glabrous or pubescent herbs. Stem simple, bearing inflorescence and a single subtending leaf. Other leaves arising direct from the rhizome or at the base of the stem. Leaf-blade elliptic or oblong-elliptic, scarcely asymmetric. Inflorescence terminal, branched, the branches with few to many nodes, and with up to 4 two-flowered cymules at each node, subtended by a sheathing bract which does not enclose the part of the inflorescence above it, not deciduous at time of flowering; each cymule backed by a two-nerved prophyll; mesophylls absent. Cymule pedunculate with the flowers at different levels, each subtended by a fleshy bracteole. Outer staminodes 2, petaloid; the hooded staminode with a spur-like appendage. Ovary 3-locular, glabrous. Fruit fleshy, indehiscent, without obvious sutures. Seed without an aril.