Herbs 5-15 cm long; branches short, arising near the middle of the stem. Leaves subsessile, elliptic, ca 17 mm long, 2-4 mm wide, acute at the apex, cuneate at the base, the lamina scarcely alate on the petiole, the lateral veins prominent; stipules linear or elliptic, curved, up to 6 mm long, the cilia elongate, each cilium with a median and laterally disposed gland. Inflorescences with the bostryces 2-5-flowered, crowded in the axils of the uppermost leaves; pedicels up; to 5 mm long, the articulation-stalks ca 1 mm long; bracts linear or lanceolate, the margins ser-rate, ciliate basally, the cilia not glandular-jointed. Flowers with the sepals lanceolate, 1.5-1.7 mm long, acute, the margins entire and bearing a few short cilia toward the apex, often with a distinct terminal cilium, the veins ca 3; petals elliptic, ca 1.8 mm long, rounded at the apex, the veins ca 3; exterior corona ab-sent; segments of the interior corona oblong, ca 1.5 mm long, the veins several, the median vein more conspicuous and branching; anthers subrotund or ovate, ca 0.4 mm long, obtuse to acuminate at the apex, the filaments ca 0.5 mm long; ovaries ovate, up to 1.5 mm long, the style ca 0.5 mm long. Fruits ovate, ca twice the length of the sepals.