Rhizome subterranean, short-decumbent, branched, up to 2 mm in diam., with castaneous hairs up to 4 mm long. Fronds erect, crowded, dimorphic. Stipe not differentiated from sterile lamina. Lamina coriaceous; sterile lamina simple, narrowly linear, up to 320 x 1.2 mm, sparsely set with castaneous, unicellular fusiform hairs; fertile lamina with an apical fertile portion up to 16 mm long. Rachis recurved; segments conduplicate, up to 15 pairs, pectinately arranged, simple or once forked, longer towards middle, up to 8 x 0.6 mm, margins long fimbriate. Sporangia in a single row on either side of fertile segment costa, sessile, almost symmetric, ovoid or ellipsoid, with a subapical annulus. Spores brown, ellipsoidal to subglobose, monolete, foveolate, exospore up to 95 micrometre long.
Rhizome horizontal, subterranean, up to 4 mm in diameter, set with multicellular hairs up to 5 mm long. Fronds very closely spaced, very narrowly linear, up to 200 x 1.5 mm, sulcate and narrowly winged; stipe brown, filiform, up to 70 mm long; fertile portion up to 16 mm long, with a recurved rhachis; fertile pinnae up to 9 x 1 mm, longer towards middle, shorter towards base and apex of fertile portion, ciliate with pale hairs. Sporangia in a row on either side of costa.
Rhizome horizontal, subterranean, set with multicellular hairs. Rhachis between fertile pinnae recurved through a semicircle at maturity with longest fertile pinnae ± middle and with shorter pinnae at base and apex.
Perennial with underground rhizome. Fronds erect, linear, to 20 cm long, fertile portion with a recurved rachis, pinnae to 9 mm long. Null Sporangia in 2 rows on either side of costa.