Erect perennial c. 20 cm high. Branches slender, moderately appressed-hirsute. Leaves sessile, linear, c. 5 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, fleshy, sparsely appressed-hirsute. Flowers solitary. Perianth 5-lobed. Stamens 5. Fruiting perianth woody, sparsely appressed-hirsute; tube turbinate, c. 2.5 mm high, faintly 10-ribbed, truncate and slightly hollowed at base, convex to broadly conical at apex; appendages 4+2, wing-like, intertepaline, radiating horizontally; each appendage oblong to linear-acuminate, c. 2.5 mm long, hard, lacerate at apex or entire, the radicular pair narrower than the other four. Style stout and hard. Seed horizontal, thick.