Intricately branched rounded perennial to 30 cm high, glabrous except axillary pubescence. Leaves slender, terete, 10–20 mm long, fleshy. Flowers solitary. Perianth glabrous except woolly-ciliate margin of lobes. Stamens 5, rarely 4. Fruiting perianth woody, glabrous; tube oblong-obcuneate, dorsiventrally compressed and with few blunt ribs, c. 3 mm high, rounded at base; limb incurved; attachment oblique, flat, circular, c. 1.5 mm diam.; spines 3, sometimes 4 when small inner radicular spine present, slender, 8–15 mm long, ±horizontally spreading, 1 lateral, 1 abaxial, and 1 radicular spine which is directed somewhat adaxially or is curved around branch. Seed erect.