Trees. Leaves spiral, penninerved. Flowers bisexual, in short racemes. Calyx small, cupular, 4-5-crenate or-dentate, not enlarged in fruit. Petals 4 or 5, hypogynous, narrow, coherent by their edges until full anthesis, brush-like woolly inside. Stamens 8 or 10, adnate to the lower half of each petal in pairs, the uppermost part of the filaments remaining free as are the linear-elongate anthers. Ovary superior, imperfectly 3-4-celled, with 1 (uni-or bitegmic?) ovule pendent from the top of the almost free placenta into each cell; style elongate-conical; stigma minutely 3-4-lobed. Drupe medium-sized, subglobular, with a thin fleshy pericarp and a much thicker woody endocarp. Seed 1; albumen fleshy, containing starch and tannin.