Leaves on very short petioles; leaflets sessile, obovate, cuneate, with 3-3 blunt teeth at the apex, glabrous on both surfaces, but rufous leneith; axillary racemes rufo-puberulous, shorter than the leaves, the terminal ones longer, paniculated. A much branched shrub, 2 feet high, with terete, shortly villous or tomentose branches. Petiole mostly 1 line, rarely 2-3 lines long. Leaflets green, somewhat glaucous above, thinly veined beneath, crenately trifid, rarely with 5 or 7 obtuse teeth at the top, with revolute margins, 6-9 lines long, 4 lines wide. Axillary panicles J inch, the terminal ones, i-ij inch long. Flowers very minute, very shortly pedicellate, in the branchlets sub-crowded. Drupe brown-purplish, shining, size of a small pea.
Tree or shrub, 0.5-4.0 m high; much branched, evergreen, unarmed, forming dense colonies; branches grey-brown; branchlets ascending, greyish red, villous. Leaves subsessile to petiolate, trifoliolate; leaflets sessile, membranous, dark green above, slightly paler below, obtrullate, obtriangular to obovate, margins slightly revolute, apex paucicrenate. Inflorescence terminal panicles, up to 40 mm long, or axillary, exposed, sparingly branched, villous. Flowers small, white to cream-coloured, rarely 4-or 6-merous; corolla lobes narrow, oblong. Flowering time Apr.-Sept. Fruit a drupe, oblate, pruinose to shiny, bluish dark brown.
Dioecious, evergreen shrub or small tree to 4 m. Leaves trifoliolate, leaflets sessile, obovate, apex blunt and crenate. Flowers cream-coloured. Drupes round, dark blue/brown, stone with lateral processes.
A shrub. It grows 4 m tall. It forms dense groups. The leaves have 3 leaflets. The flowers are cream coloured. The fruit are round and dark blue to brown. The stone in the fruit has bony side processes.