Branches puberulous; leaves sessile; leaflets sessile, wedge-shaped, with 3-7 teeth at the apex, smooth, with prominent veins, and green on both surfaces; panicles axillary and terminal, the female as long as the leaves, the male longer; drupe oblique, ovate, glabrous, beaked with the styles. An erect shrub, with terete, purplish, somewhat patent branches. Leaflets rigid, coriaceous, strong ribbed, cuneate; teeth mostly acute, about one inch long, 0.5 inch wide. Panicles small, 1-3 inches long Flowers minute, of the length of the pedicels. Drupe shining, nearly 3 lines long.
Dioecious, evergreen dwarf shrub to 60 cm. Leaves trifoliolate, leaflets sessile, stiff, obovate, coarsely toothed above. Flowers whitish. Drupes tricuspidate, smooth.