Dwarf, rhizomatous, fastigiate shrublet between 0.3 and 1 m high. Branches and branchlets thin, glabrous, reddish brown. Leaves trifoliolate, petiolate; petioles slender, semiterete, prominently canaliculate above, (8-)11(-15) mm long; leaflets sessile, membranous, glutinose to glabrescent, concolorous, dark green, amphistomatous; lamina linear-oblanceolate, laterals falcate, apex acute, mucronulate; margin entire; venation kladodromous, midrib prominent above and below, secondaries slightly prominent above, impressed and obscure below; terminal leaflets (17-)24(-34) x 2-4 mm, lateral leaflets (14-)19(-26) x 2-4 mm. Panicles up to 30 mm long, pyramidal, few-flowered, glutinous, axillary and terminal, exposed and within foliage. Flowers normal, styles persistent. Drupe asymmetrically oblate, ellipsoid, glabrous, shiny, light brown, 5.0 x 3.6-5.4 x 3.7 mm.
Dwarf, rhizomatous, fastigiate shrublet, 0.3-1.0 m high. Foliage dense. Lateral leaflets somewhat falcate. Drupes oblate, ellipsoid (± 1.4 times broader than deep) Flowers yellow.