Shrub or small tree, often with spreading canopy, differing from var. pyroides by its denser, softer and darker foliage, leaflets shortly and thinly sericeous above and below and flexuous inflorescence of small flowers, often subglome-rulate. Petiole (5-)15(-40) mm long; terminal leaflets (33-)49(-67) x (10-)17(-32) mm, lateral leaflets (16-)30(-48) x (6-)14(-28) mm. Drupe 3.3 x 3.0-5.4 x 4.4 mm.
Shrub or small tree, up to 4 m high, unarmed. Leaflets sessile; blade olive-green, glabrous or puberulous; veins generally slightly prominent below; terminal leaflet (33-)49(-67) x (10-) 17(-32) mm. Flowers: corolla yellow; Nov.-Mar. Fruit a globose, glabrous drupe.
Shrub or small tree, up to 4 m high, nonspinous. Leaflets olive-green, glabrous or puberulous; veins generally slightly prominent below. Flowers yellow.