Shrub 2-6 m high, sometimes thorny, the thorns c. 1 cm long and uncinate; branches and branchlets pale yellowish-grey, cylindric, the latter ± densely pubescent and finally glabrescent or always glabrous and brownish. Petiole 1.5-4 cm long, slender, canaliculate, pubescent to glabrescent or glabrous. Leaflets concolorous to slightly discolorous, papyraceous to coriaceous (in oldest leaves), entire or rarely with 1-2 teeth, the margin revolute, glabrous or ± sparsely pubescent to glabrescent, the hairs appressed, denser on the midrib and nerves; median leaflet (2.2)4-9(11) x 1.3-4 cm, usually 4.5-6 x 1.7-2.7 cm, obovate, rhombic to oblanceolate, rounded or generally acute to very shortly acuminate at the apex, the acumen folded and mucronate, cuneate to subpetiolulate at the base; lateral leaflets usually 3-3.5 x 1.3-2 cm, obovate or elliptic, obtuse or subacute, mucronate, not so cuneate as the median one; midrib, lateral and tertiary nerves raised on both surfaces, [male] panicles axillary and terminal, the former equal to or longer than the leaves, the latter longer, pyramidal, multiflorous, with the axis and branches sparsely to densely pubescent; [female] panicles shorter and laxer than the female ones. [Male] flowers: calyx-segments 0.5 mm long, triangular; petals cream or yellowish-green, c. 0.75 mm long, ovate. Drupe red, turning blackish when mature, c. 2.5 mm in diam., subglobose, edible.
Three morphs represented by R. fraseri, R. microcarpa and R. intermedia are included in this variety. R. fraseri and R. microcarpa differ from var. pyroides by their elongated, densely leafy branchlets, relatively large leaves, leaflets with prominent pinnate secondaries below and reticulation covered by dense villous hairs, by very large exposed panicles and by smaller fruit. Specimens from Zululand often have blades with a few gross, mucronulate teeth, while the southern Natal specimens of R. microcarpa have exceptionally small flowers (less than 1 mm across) and fruit (drupes less than 2.5 mm wide). Petiole (6-)19(-56) mm long; terminal leaflets (16-)49(-125) x (7-)19(-48) mm, lateral leaflets (11-)33(-86) x (6-)17(-37) mm. Drupe 2.0 x 1.8-3.3 x 2.4 mm. Flowering recorded in October and January.
Tree, up to 9 m high or much-branched shrub. Leaflets with yellowish green margins. Inflorescence much-branched and large, covering large parts of shrub when fully developed. Flowers greenish to pale yellow.
A low sprawling shrub. It grows 30 cm tall. The leaves are broadly sword shaped and taper to the tip. The flowering shoots are at the top. The fruit are 5 mm across.