Suffrutex or slender, fastigiate shrub, 1.5-2 m high. Bark smooth, prominently lenticellate, dull grey-brown, young branchlets glabrous, sometimes puberulous, chestnut-brown to grey. Leaves trifoliolate, petiolate; petiole semiterete, (6-)23(-52) mm long; leaflets sessile, subcoriaceous, concolorous, dark green, glabrous, hypostomatous; lamina narrowly elliptic to elliptic, obovate to widely obovate, base cuneate, apex extremely variable, acuminate, acute, truncate, mucronate; margin thickened, slightly revolute, whitish, markedly pauciserrate and teeth mucronulate towards apex; venation craspedodromous to kladodromous, midrib dull yellow to brown, slightly raised above, prominent below, secondaries impressed above, slightly prominent below; terminal leaflets (17-)55(-121) x (9-)19(-48) mm, lateral leaflets (15-)37(-91) x (5-)18(-40) mm. Panicles much branched, males longer than females, terminal up to 150 mm long, usually exserted from foliage, axillary shorter, usually within foliage. Flowers as for R. dentata. Drupe circular, globoid, glabrous, shiny, yellowish maturing dark brown, 4.1 x 4.1-5.6 x 5.4 mm.
Shrub, 0.3-2.0 m high; slender, fastigiate; bark smooth, prominently lenticellate, dull grey-brown; young branchlets glabrous to puberulous, chestnut-brown to grey. Leaves petiolate, trifoliolate; leaflets sessile, subcoriaceous, dark green throughout, narrowly elliptic to elliptic, obovate to widely obovate, margins thickened, slightly revolute, whitish, pauciserrate, teeth mucronulate towards apex. Inflorescence terminal, up to 150 mm long, exserted from foliage, much branched; axillary shorter, within foliage; males longer than females. Flowers: styles slightly connate at base. Fruit a drupe, globoid, shiny, yellowish maturing dark brown.
Suffrutex or slender, fastigiate shrub, up to 2 m high. Leaflets sessile, obovate to elliptic, base cuneate, apex variable, usually acute, margin thickened, markedly pauciserrate and teeth mucronulate towards apex; terminal leaflets (17-)55(-121) x (9-) 19(-48) mm. Flowers dull yellow.
A shrub.