Stoloniferous perennial herb, stems c. 150-350 mm long, either tufted and then simple or sparingly branched low down, or, when protected from fire, well branched to form a bushy low-growing shrublet, erect, decumbent or prostrate, often rooting from lower part, pubescent, hairs up to 0.2-0.8 mm long, acute, patent, closely leafy. Leaves opposite becoming alternate upwards, weakly fascicled, largest primary leaves 5-17 x 2-6.5 mm, narrowly to broadly elliptic to subrotund, apex obtuse, base petiolate, margins thickened, entire or an occasional small callose tooth, midrib channelled above, raised below, acute hairs 0.1-0.5 mm long all over upper surface and margins, on lower surface either confined to midrib or scattered. Inflorescence a short terminal raceme, flowers up to c. 30, becoming distant, raceme either solitary or several forming a loose leafy corymbose panicle. Bract adnate to pedicel and base of calyx tube, blade of lowermost 2-3.5 x 1-1.5 mm, elliptic, subacute, shallowly to deeply concave, ± embracing calyx, strongly keeled, with narrow pale membranous margins, pubescent all over, hairs up to 0.1-0.2 mm long. Pedicel up to (0.25-)2-5 mm long. Calyx 2-3.5 mm long, campanulate, subequally 5-lobed, lobes c. 1-1.7 mm long, subacute to obtuse, hairs up to 0.15-0.25 mm long on margins and outer surface, vet) minutely glandular as well. Corolla tube (2-)2.6-4 mm long, broadly funnel-shaped, limb 3.4-5 mm across lateral, lobes, posticous lobes 1.1-1.5 x 0.8-1.2 mm, anticous lobe 1.5-2 x 0.8-1.7 mm, all lobes elliptic, white or pale mauve. Stamens: posticous filaments 1-1.7 mm long, anthers very shortly exerted; anticous filaments 1.3-2.2 mm long, anthers exerted. Stigma and style 2.2-4.5 mm long, style puberulous. Ovary c. 0.6 x 0.4-1 mm. Cocci c. 2-2.5 x 0.8-1 mm, almost smooth, brown.
Perennial, stoloniferous herb, with stems up to ± 350 mm long, tufted and simple or little branched near base, or well branched, dwarf shrub; patent-pubescent, hairs acute. Leaves hardly tufted, main ones up to 17 x 6.5 mm, variously elliptic to rotund, obtuse, petiolate, entire or with few callose teeth. Flowers up to ± 30 in a short, terminal raceme, sometimes forming a lax, leafy, corymbose panicle. Bracts elliptic, pale margins narrow, pubescent all over. Pedicels basal ones up to 5 mm long. Calyx: lobes ± 1/2 length of calyx, subacute to obtuse, pubescent on back and margins. Corolla white or pale mauve, sometimes violet-tinged. Anthers: upper ones shortly exserted, lower ones exserted. Flowering time mainly Dec.-Feb.