Dwarf shrublet, main stems c. 110-300 mm long, several tufted from a stout woody taproot, spreading, simple or branched, young parts pubescent, hairs up to 0.1-0.15 mm long, retrorse, closely leafy. Leaves opposite, alternate upwards, weakly fascicled when leaves broad, strongly so when narrow, largest primary leaves 7-20 x 1.3-3.8 mm, elliptic or narrowly elliptic, apex obtuse or subacute, base narrowed to short petiolar part, margins entire, weakly revolute, texture thin, midrib slightly raised on both surfaces, both surfaces with scattered almost scabridulous hairs up to c. 0.1 mm long, sometimes sparse; axillary leaves similar but narrower. Inflorescence a short (up to c. 110 mm long) pyramidal terminal panicle composed of glomerules (racemes) c. 8-10 x 7 mm, elongating to c. 25 mm, terminal raceme in each panicle c. 18-40 x 7 mm, upper glomerules sessile, lower ones on leafy peduncles up to c. 15 mm long. Bract adnate to pedicel and calyx tube, lowermost (2.8-)3.2-5.3 x 1.2-2 mm, ovate or elliptic, plane or upper ones shallowly concave at base, apex subobtuse or obtuse, hairs up to 0.1-0.3 mm long on margins, up to 0.1-0.15 mm on lower part of back, ± retrorse. Pedicel up to 0.1-0.25 mm long. Calyx 1.5-2 mm long, campanulate, obliquely 5-lobed about hallway to base, 2 anticous lobes much broader than other 3, all lobes deltoid, acute, hairs up to 0.15-0.25 mm on margins, c. 0.1-0.15 mm on outer surface together with minute globular glands. Corolla tube 3-5 mm long, broadly funnel-shaped, limb 3.8-5.2 mm across lateral lobes, posticous lobes 1.2-1.8 x 0.8-1.2 mm, or posticous lip occasionally entire, anticous lobe 1.5-3 x 1.2-1.7 mm, all lobes elliptic, white. Stamens: posticous filaments 2.5-3 mm long, anticous filaments 3-3.3 mm, all anthers far exerted. Stigma and style 3.8-5.3 mm long, style glabrous or nearly so. Ovary c. 0.6 x 0.5 mm. Cocci c. 2.2-2.3 x 1.3-1.5 mm, red-brown, smooth, inner face plane.
Dwarf shrublet, ± 110-300 mm tall, stems tufted from a woody rootstock, young parts pubescent and closely leafy. Leaves tufted, elliptic to narrowly elliptic, entire, margins weakly revolute, ± roughly hairy. Flowers in short, pyramidal panicles, white, calyx obliquely 5-lobed.