Perennial herb 150-350 mm tall, stems several tufted from base, simple to sparingly branched, pubescent, hairs retrorse, up to 0.2 mm long, also with oozing sunken glands that make stem, leaves and bracts look varnished, closely leafy. Leaves alternate, fascicled, primary leaves 3-8 x 0.8-1 mm, linear-oblong to narrowly elliptic, apex obtuse to subacute, base slightly narrowed, margins entire, texture thick, no venation visible, conspicuously glandular-punctate, otherwise glabrous. Inflorescence a compact terminal corymb c. 10-30 mm in diam. Bract adnate to pedicel and calyx tube, lowermost 3-3.5 x 1.4-1.8 mm, blade elliptic, subacute, deeply concave, embracing calyx, strongly keeled, margins narrow, pale, membranous, keel conspicuously glandular-punctate, few minute hairs on margins near base. Pedicel up to c. 0.4 mm long. Calyx 2-2.8 mm long, campanulate, subequally 5-lobed, lobes c. 1-1.2 mm long, ± acute, few hairs to 0.1 mm long on margins, minute globular glands scattered all over. Corolla tube 2.2-3 mm long, funnel-shaped, limb 4-5 mm across lateral lobes, posticous lobes 1.3-2.2 x 1-1.2 mm, anticous lobe 2-2.5 x 1-1.4 mm, all lobes oblong-elliptic or posticous broadly elliptic, white. Stamens: posticous filaments 1.2-1.6 mm long, anticous filaments 1.8-2.2 mm, all anthers well exerted. Stigma and style2.2-3 mm long, style glabrous. Ovary c. 0.5-0.8 x 0.3-0.6 mm. Cocci not seen.
Perennial herb, with tufted stems up to 350 mm high; simple or little-branched; retrorse pubescent with sunken glands, secreting and giving a varnished appearance. Leaves: main ones up to 8 x 1 mm, linear-oblong to narrowly elliptic, margins entire, thick, veins obscured; glandular secretion present, glabrous. Flowers in a terminal, compact corymb ± 10-30 mm in diam. Bracts: basal ones 3.0-3.5 mm long, elliptic, subacute, margins narrow, glandular-punctate, margins near base with a few tiny hairs. Calyx: lobes ± acute, margins with few tiny hairs. Corolla white. Flowering time Feb.-Apr.