Calyx 5-lobed, 1–1.5 mm. long, pubescent, campanulate; lobes c. 0.75 mm. long, subequal, about equalling tube to 3–4 times longer, subacute to obtuse, long ciliate; lower lobes broader than upper.
Leaves 5–20(30) x c. 1 mm., linear, subobtuse, entire or sometimes with 1–2 small teeth towards apex, glabrous, fasciculate, or rarely irregularly alternate on inflorescence branches.
Corolla blue to purplish-blue, tube (1)1.5–2(3) mm. long; lobes equalling or longer than tube, rounded to oblong, largest lobe (1)1.5–2(3) x 1.2–1.5 mm.
Perennial woody herb or subshrub, 30–100 cm. or more tall; stem erect or suberect; branches many-leaved, wiry, shortly pubescent.
Bracts c. 3 mm. long, linear, obtuse, incurved, pubescent or subglabrous at base, shortly ciliate.
Capsule not seen.