Perennial herb, stock eventually stout, woody, up to c. 15 mm in diam., stoloniferous, stems many from the crown, 150-750 mm long, sprawling, decumbent, or ascending, simple to well-branched, puberulous, hairs c. 0.1-0.25 mm long, often recurved, leafy. Leaves alternate, not or scarcely fascicled, 10-55 x 1.2-8 mm, smaller upwards, elliptic or oblong, apex acute or subacute, base often narrowed into a short petiolar part, margins either entire or a few very small to obscure teeth in larger leaves, leathery, triplinerved, midvein strongly raised below, the two laterals inconspicuous, glandular-punctate, occasionally glabrous, usually upper surface glabrous to scabrid-puberulous, lower with hairs confined to margins and midline, hairs c. 0.1-0.3 mm long. Inflorescence a raceme up to c. 100 mm long in fruit, either solitary or loosely panicled, flowers eventually distant. Bract adnate to pedicel and calyx tube, part free from pedicel up to 3-10 x 0.7-2 mm, leaflike, either very minutely puberulous on margins only or all gradations to scabrid-puberulous all over back, hairs 0.1-0.2 mm, long. Pedicel (lowermost) 1.5-3 mm long. Calyx 2.7-4 mm long on anticous side, lobes 5, almost equal, usually roughly twice as long as tube, narrowly deltoid-acuminate, sometimes about equalling or slightly shorter than tube, triangular-acute, strongly keeled, hairs either confined to margins or margins and keels, or all over backs, c. 0.15-0.4 mm long. Corolla tube (3.5-)4.3-7.3 mm long, tubular expanding slightly at apex, limb 4-6 mm across lateral lobes, posticous lobes 1.5-2.2 x 0.9-1.1 mm, anticous lobe 1.8-2.7 x 1-1.4 mm, all lobes elliptic, white, tube sometimes purplish, glabrous to hairy outside, hairs up to 0.1-0.2 mm long. Stamens: posticous filaments 1-1.5 mm long, anthers included; anticous filaments 1.5-2 mm long, anthers shortly exerted. Stigma and style c. 6-8.5 mm long, style usually very minutely to conspicuously glandular-puberulous. Ovary c. 0.8 x 0.3 mm. Cocci c. 2.7-3.2 x 0.8-1 mm, light brown, smooth.
Perennial herb, up to 750 mm high; stoloniferous, finally woody at base; stems tufted, simple or much branched, leafy; puberulous to pubescent, hairs often recurved. Leaves alternate, basal ones up to 55 x 8 mm, elliptic or oblong, ± acute, base often tapering into short petiole, entire or with few, tiny teeth, leathery, 3-veined, glandular-punctate. Flowers in racemes up to ± 100 mm long, sometimes in lax panicles. Pedicels: lowest up to 3 mm long. Calyx: lobes 2x length of tube, narrowly deltate and acuminate or ± equaling or shorter than tube; lobes deltate and acute, keeled. Corolla: tube sometimes purplish. Anthers: upper ones included. Fruit light brown, smooth cocci. Flowering time Oct.-May.