Stems leafy, erect, slender, up to about 5 m. tall. Leaves when mature 15-30 cm. long and 1.5-5 cm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate to lanceolate, acuminate, sub-membranaceous, many-nerved, inarticulate, sparsely pubescent dorsally, especially along the nerves, or becoming glabrate, contracted at the base into a cylindric sheath covering the stem. Inflorescence terminal, many-flowered, densely pubes-cent; flowers small to medium-sized, opening in succession, soon deciduous if not fertilized;/bracts normally 10-15. mm. long, lanceolate, acute, puberulent. Dorsal sepal about 2 cm. long and 1 cm. broad, ellip3tic-oval, acute, puberulent dorsally toward the base. Lateral sepals together about 2 cm. long and 1 cm. broad, elliptic-oval, acute, connate nearly to their apices. Petals up to 2 cm. long and about 2 mm. broad, linear, puberulent dorsally along the mid-nerve and within near the base. Labellum 2-3 cm. long and 1-1.8 cm. broad in natural position, calceiform, margins strongly involute.